`r`: the instance of :program:`R` ================================= This class is currently a singleton, with its one representation instanciated when the module is loaded: >>> robjects.r >>> print(robjects.r) The instance can be seen as the entry point to an embedded R process. Being a singleton means that each time the constructor for :class:`R` is called the same instance is returned; this is required by the fact that the embedded R is stateful. The elements that would be accessible from an equivalent R environment are accessible as attributes of the instance. Readers familiar with the :mod:`ctypes` module for Python will note the similarity with it. R vectors: >>> pi = robjects.r.pi >>> letters = robjects.r.letters R functions: >>> plot = robjects.r.plot >>> dir = robjects.r.dir This approach has limitation as: * The actual Python attributes for the object masks the R elements * '.' (dot) is syntactically valid in names for R objects, but not for python objects. That last limitation can partly be removed by using :mod:`rpy2.rpy_classic` if this feature matters most to you. >>> robjects.r.as_null # AttributeError raised >>> import rpy2.rpy_classic as rpy >>> rpy.set_default_mode(rpy.NO_CONVERSION) >>> rpy.r.as_null # R function as.null() returned .. note:: The section :ref:`rpy_classic-mix` outlines how to integrate :mod:`rpy2.rpy_classic` code. Behind the scene, the steps for getting an attribute of `r` are rather straightforward: 1. Check if the attribute is defined as such in the python definition for `r` 2. Check if the attribute is can be accessed in R, starting from `globalenv` When safety matters most, we recommend using :meth:`__getitem__` to get a given R object. >>> as_null = robjects.r['as.null'] Storing the object in a python variable will protect it from garbage collection, even if deleted from the objects visible to an R user. >>> robjects.globalenv['foo'] = 1.2 >>> foo = robjects.r['foo'] >>> foo[0] 1.2 Here we `remove` the symbol `foo` from the R Global Environment. >>> robjects.r['rm']('foo') >>> robjects.r['foo'] LookupError: 'foo' not found The object itself remains available, and protected from R's garbage collection until `foo` is deleted from Python >>> foo[0] 1.2 Evaluating a string as R code ----------------------------- Just like it is the case with RPy-1.x, on-the-fly evaluation of R code contained in a string can be performed by calling the `r` instance: >>> print(robjects.r('1+2')) [1] 3 >>> sqr = robjects.r('function(x) x^2') >>> print(sqr) function (x) x^2 >>> print(sqr(2)) [1] 4 The astute reader will quickly realize that R objects named by python variables can be plugged into code through their :program:`R` representation: >>> x = robjects.r.rnorm(100) >>> robjects.r('hist(%s, xlab="x", main="hist(x)")' %x.r_repr()) .. warning:: Doing this with large objects might not be the best use of your computing power.