.. module:: rpy2.robjects.conversion :synopsis: Converting rpy2 proxies for R objects into Python objects. .. _robjects-conversion: Mapping rpy2 objects to arbitrary python objects ================================================ Protocols --------- The package has a low level and a high level interface to R. The low level is closer to R's C API, while the high level is meant to provide more convenience even if at the cost of performances. The low level (:mod:`rpy2.rinterface`) is not devoid of any convenience. A minimal set of Pythonic characteristics are present, allowing rpy2 objects to behave like Python objects of similar nature and non-rpy2 objects be sometimes usable with R functions when there is no ambiguity about what conversion between the two systems should be. For example, R vectors (rank-one arrays) are wrapped to rpy2 classes implementing the methods :meth:`__len_`, :meth:`__getitem__`, :meth:`__setitem__` as defined in the sequence protocol in Python. Python functions working with sequences can then be passed such R objects: .. code-block:: import rpy2.rinterface as ri ri.initr() # R array of integers r_vec = ri.IntSexpVector([1,2,3]) # enumerate() can use our r_vec for i, elt in enumerate(r_vec): print('r_vec[%i]: %i' % (i, elt)) rpy2 objects with compatible underlying C representations also implement the :mod:`numpy` :attr:`__array_interface__`, allowing them be used in :mod:`numpy` functions without the need for data copying or conversion. .. note:: Before the move to :mod:`cffi` Python's buffer protocol was also implemented but the Python does not allow classes to define it outside of the Python C-API, and `cffi` does not allow the use of the Python's C-API. Some rpy2 vectors will have a method :meth:`memoryview` that will return views that implement the buffer protocol. R functions are mapped to Python objects that implement :meth:`__call__`. They can be called just as if they were functions. R environments are mapped to Python objects that implement :meth:`__len__`, :meth:`__getitem__`, :meth:`__setitem__` in the mapping protocol so elements can be accessed similarly to in a Python :class:`dict`. .. warning:: While it is technically possible to modify the way C-level R objects are shown to Python users through the `rinterface` level, it is not recommended. The `rinterface` level is quite close to R's C API and modifying it may quickly result in segfaults. On the other hand, the robjects-level is designed to facilitate the customization of object conversions between Python and R. Conversion ---------- The high level interface between Python in :mod:`rpy2` uses a conversion system each time an R object is represented in Python, and each time a Python objects is passed to R (for example as a parameter to an R function). This system is fact designed to manage the conversion between the low level (`rinterface`-level) interface and an arbitrary Python-level representation those objects. `py2rpy` will indicate a conversion from Python-level to `rinterface`-level, and `rpy2py` from `rinterface`-level to Python-level. If one wanted to turn all Python :class:`tuple` into R `character` vectors (1D arrays of strings) before passing them to R the custom conversion function would make an `rinterface`-level R objects from the Python object. An implementation for this `py2rpy` function would look like: .. code-block:: python from rpy2.rinterface import StrSexpVector def tuple_str(tpl): res = StrSexpVector(tpl) return res The conversion system is an `robjects`-level feature, and by default the Python-level representations are just high-level (`robjects`-level) representation. However, the package contains optional conversion rules in modules :mod:`rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri` and :mod:`rpy2.robjects.pandas2ri` to convert from and to :mod:`numpy` and :mod:`pandas` objects respectively. .. note:: Sections :ref:`robjects-numpy` and :ref:`robjects-pandas` contain information about working with rpy2 and :mod:`numpy` or :mod:`pandas` objects. Converter objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`rpy2.robjects.conversion.Converter` objects are designed to keep sets of conversion rules together. There can be as many instances of that class as desired, but the one called `converter` in :mod:`rpy2.robjects.conversion` is the one used whenever conversion is needed. The :class:`Converter` has 2 attributes `rpy2py` and `py2rpy` to resolve the conversion from R (`rinterface-level`) to an arbitrary Python representation, and from an arbitrary Python representation to a suitable `rinterface` level. Each of those is a single dispatch as implemented in :meth:`functools.singledispatch`. This means that a conversion function, such as the example function `tuple_str` above, just has to be associated with the class of the object to convert from. In our example, the Python class is :class:`tuple`. Our conversion function defined above can be registered in a converter as follows: .. code-block:: python from rpy2.robjects.conversion import Converter seq_converter = Converter('sequence converter') seq_converter.py2rpy.register(tuple, tuple_str) Alternatively, the registration can be done with a decorator when the function is declared: .. code-block:: python my_converter = rpy2.robjects.conversion.Converter() @my_converter.py2rpy(tuple) def tuple_str(tpl): res = StrSexpVector(tpl) return res The class :class:`rpy2.robjects.conversion.Converter` can group several conversion rules into one object. This helps will defining sets of coherent conversion rules, or conversion domains. :mod:`rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri.converter` and :mod:`rpy2.rojects.pandas2ri.converter` are examples of such converters. Sets of conversion rules can be layered on the top of one another to create sets of combined conversion rules. To help with writing concise and clear code, :class:`Converter` objects can be added. For example, creating a converter that adds the rule above to the default conversion rules in rpy2 will look like: .. code-block:: python from rpy2.robjects import default_converter conversion_rules = default_converter + seq_converter While a dispatch solely based on Python classes will work very well in the direction "Python to `rpy2.rinterface`" it will quickly show limits in the direction "`rpy2.rinterface` to Python", especially when independently-developed conversions must be combined. The issue with converting from `rpy2.rinterface` to Python is not working too well because `rpy2.rinterface` mirrors the type of R objects at the C-level (as defined in R's C-API), but class definitions in R often sit outside of structure types found at the C level. They are just a mere attribute of the R object that contains a list class names. For example, an R `data.frame` is a `VECSXP` at C-level (that is an R `list`), but it has an attribute `"class"` that contains `"data.frame"`. .. note:: Nothing would prevent someone to set the `"class"` attribute to `"data.frame"` to an R object of different type at C-level. For example, it is perfectly possible to write the following in R, and create an invalid data frame: .. code-block:: r > x <- c(1, 2, 3) > str(x) int [1:3] 1 2 3 > class(x) <- "data.frame" > str(x) 'data.frame': 0 obs. of 3 variables: 'data.frame' int character(0) character(0) character(0) Warning message: In format.data.frame(x, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE, ...) : corrupt data frame: columns will be truncated or padded with NAs To allow a dispatch based name-specified classes in R, the rpy2 conversion system uses a secondary mechanism (the primary mechanism is the single dispatch-based one presented above). Instances of :class:`rpy2.robjects.conversion.NameClassMap` can map and R class name to a Python class. Remember that this mapping only happen within the context of an :mod:`rpy2.rinterface` class though. The attribute :attr:`rpy2.robjects.conversion.Converter._rpy2py_nc_name` is a :class:`dict` where keys are :mod:`rpy2.rinterface` classes to wrap C-level R objects, and values are instances of :class:`rpy2.robjects.conversion.NameClassMap`. For example, a conversion rule for R objects of class "lm" that are R lists at the C level (this is a real exemple - R's linear model fit objects are just that) can be added to a converter with: .. code-block:: python class Lm(rinterface.ListSexpVector): # implement attributes, properties, methods to make the handling of # the R object more convenient on the Python side pass clsmap = myconverter._rpy2py_nc_name[rinterface.ListSexpVector] clsmap.update({'lm': Lm}) Local conversion rules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The conversion rules can be customized globally (See section `Customizing the conversion`) or through the use of local converters as context managers. .. note:: The use of local conversion rules is much recommended as modifying the global conversion rules can lead to wasted resources (e.g., unnecessary round-trip conversions if the code is successively passing results from calling R functions to the next R functions) or errors (conversion cannot be guaranteed to be without loss, as concepts present in either language are not always able to survive a round trip). As an example, we show how to write an alternative to rpy2 not knowing what to do with Python tuples. .. code-block:: python x = (1, 2, 'c') from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr base = importr('base') # error here: # NotImplementedError: Conversion 'py2rpy' not defined for objects of type '' res = base.paste(x, collapse="-") This can be changed by using our converter defined above as an addition to the default conversion scheme: .. code-block:: python from rpy2.robjects import default_converter from rpy2.robjects.conversion import Converter, localconverter with localconverter(conversion_rules) as cv: res = base.paste(x, collapse="-") .. note:: A local conversion rule can also ensure that code is robust against arbitrary changes in the conversion system made by the caller. For example, to ensure that a function always uses rpy2's default conversion, irrespective of what are the conversion rules defined by the caller of the code: .. code-block:: python from rpy2.robjects import default_converter from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter def my_function(obj): with localconverter(default_converter) as cv: # block of code mixing Python code and calls to R functions # interacting with the objects returned by R in the Python code pass Customizing the conversion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As an example, let's assume that one want to return atomic values whenever an R numerical vector is of length one. This is only a matter of writing a new function `rpy2py` that handles this, as shown below: .. code-block:: python import rpy2.robjects as robjects from rpy2.rinterface import SexpVector @robjects.conversion.rpy2py.register(SexpVector) def my_rpy2py(obj): if len(obj) == 1: obj = obj[0] return obj Then we can test it with: >>> pi = robjects.r.pi >>> type(pi) At the time of writing :func:`singledispath` does not provide a way to `unregister`. Removing the additional conversion rule without restarting Python is left as an exercise for the reader. .. note:: Customizing the conversion of S4 classes should preferably done using a separate dedicated system. The system is rather simple and can easily be described with an example. .. code-block:: python import rpy2.robjects as robjects from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr class LMER(robjects.RS4): """Custom class.""" pass lme4 = importr('lme4') res = robjects.r('lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)') # Map the R/S4 class 'lmerMod' to our Python class LMER. with robjects.conversion.converter.rclass_map_context( rinterface.rinterface.SexpS4, {'lmerMod': LMER} ): res2 = robjects.r('lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)') When running the example above, `res` is an instance of class :class:`rpy2.robjects.methods.RS4`, which is the default mapping for R `S4` instances, while `res2` is an instance of our custom class `LMER`. The class mapping is using the hierarchy of R/S4-defined classes and tries to find the first matching Python-defined class. For example, the R/S4 class `lmerMod` has a parent class `merMod` (defined in R S4). Let run the following example after the previous one. .. code-block:: python class MER(robjects.RS4): """Custom class.""" pass with robjects.conversion.converter.rclass_map_context( rinterface.rinterface.SexpS4, {'merMod': MER} ): res3 = robjects.r('lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)') with robjects.conversion.converter.rclass_map_context( rinterface.rinterface.SexpS4, {'lmerMod': LMER, 'merMod': MER}): res4 = robjects.r('lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)') `res3` will be a `MER` instance: there is no mapping for the R/S4 class `lmerMod` but there is a mapping for its R/S4 parent `merMod`. `res4` will be an `LMER` instance.