Source code for rpy2.ipython.rmagic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Magic command interface for interactive work with R in ipython. %R and %%R are
the line and cell magics, respectively.

.. note::

  You will need a working copy of R.


To enable the magics below, execute `%load_ext rpy2.ipython`.










# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Copyright (C) 2012 The IPython Development Team
#  Copyright (C) 2013-2019 rpy2 authors
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import contextlib
import sys
import tempfile
from glob import glob
import os
from shutil import rmtree
import textwrap
import typing

import rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks

import rpy2.rinterface as ri

import rpy2.rinterface_lib.openrlib
import rpy2.robjects as ro
import rpy2.robjects.packages as rpacks
from rpy2.robjects.lib import grdevices
from rpy2.robjects.conversion import (Converter,
import warnings

# Try loading pandas and numpy, emitting a warning if either cannot be
# loaded.
    import numpy  # noqa: F401
        import pandas  # noqa: F401
        PANDAS_IMPORTED = True
    except ImportError as ie:
        PANDAS_IMPORTED = False
        warnings.warn('The Python package `pandas` is strongly '
                      'recommended when using `rpy2.ipython`. '
                      'Unfortunately it could not be loaded '
                      '(error: %s), '
                      'but at least we found `numpy`.' % str(ie))
except ImportError as ie:
    warnings.warn('The Python package `pandas` is strongly '
                  'recommended when using `rpy2.ipython`. '
                  'Unfortunately it could not be loaded, '
                  'as we did not manage to load `numpy` '
                  'in the first place (error: %s).' % str(ie))

# IPython imports.

import IPython.display  # type: ignore
from IPython.core import displaypub  # type: ignore
from IPython.core.magic import (Magics,   # type: ignore
from IPython.core.magic_arguments import (argument,  # type: ignore

template_converter = get_conversion()

DEVICES_STATIC_RASTER: typing.Set[str] = {'png', 'jpeg'}

        def _get_ipython_template_converter(template_converter=template_converter):
            from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri
            template_converter += numpy2ri.converter
            from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri
            template_converter += pandas2ri.converter
            return template_converter
        def _get_ipython_template_converter(template_converter=template_converter):
            from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri
            template_converter += numpy2ri.converter
            return template_converter
    def _get_ipython_template_converter(template_converter=template_converter):
        return template_converter

def _get_converter(template_converter=template_converter):
    return Converter('ipython conversion',

ipy_template_converter = _get_ipython_template_converter(template_converter)
converter = _get_converter(template_converter=ipy_template_converter)

def CELL_DISPLAY_DEFAULT(res, args):

[docs] class RInterpreterError(ri.embedded.RRuntimeError): """An error when running R code in a %%R magic cell.""" msg_prefix_template = ('Failed to parse and evaluate line %r.\n' 'R error message: %r') rstdout_prefix = '\nR stdout:\n' def __init__(self, line, err, stdout): self.line = line self.err = err.rstrip() self.stdout = stdout.rstrip() def __str__(self): s = (self.msg_prefix_template % (self.line, self.err)) if self.stdout and (self.stdout != self.err): s += self.rstdout_prefix + self.stdout return s
# The default conversion for lists is currently to make them an R list. That # has some advantages, but can be inconvenient (and, it's inconsistent with # the way python lists are automatically converted by numpy functions), so # for interactive use in the rmagic, we call unlist, which converts lists to # vectors **if the list was of uniform (atomic) type**. @converter.py2rpy.register(list) def py2rpy_list(obj): # simplify2array is a utility function, but nice for us # TODO: use an early binding of the R function cv = ro.conversion.get_conversion() robj = ri.ListSexpVector( [cv.py2rpy(x) for x in obj] ) res = ro.r.simplify2array(robj) # The current default converter for the ipython rmagic # might make `res` a numpy array. We need to ensure that # a rpy2 objects is returned (issue #866). res_rpy = cv.py2rpy(res) return res_rpy def _find(name: str, ns: dict): """Find a Python name, which might include dot-separated path to a name. Args: - name: a key in dict if no dot ('.') in it, otherwise a sequence of dot-separated namespaces with the name of the object last (e.g., ``). Returns: The object wanted. Raises a NameError or an AttributeError if not found. """ obj = None obj_path = name.split('.') look_for_i = 0 try: obj = ns[obj_path[look_for_i]] except KeyError as e: message = f"name '{obj_path[look_for_i]}' is not defined." if obj_path[look_for_i] == "": message += ' Did you forget to remove trailing comma `,` or included spaces?' raise NameError(message) from e look_for_i += 1 while look_for_i < len(obj_path): try: obj = getattr(obj, obj_path[look_for_i]) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError( f"'{'.'.join(obj_path[:look_for_i])}' " f"has no attribute '{obj_path[look_for_i]}'." ) from e look_for_i += 1 return obj def _parse_input_argument(arg: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]: """Process the input to an R magic commmand (`%R`, `%%R`, `%Rpush`).""" arg_elts = arg.split('=', maxsplit=1) if len(arg_elts) == 1: rhs = arg_elts[0] lhs = rhs else: lhs, rhs = arg_elts return lhs, rhs # TODO: remove ? # # The R magic is opiniated about what the R vectors should become. # @converter.ri2ro.register(ri.SexpVector) # def _(obj): # if 'data.frame' in obj.rclass: # # request to turn it to a pandas DataFrame # res = converter.rpy2py(obj) # else: # res = ro.sexpvector_to_ro(obj) # return res
[docs] def display_figures(graph_dir, format='png'): """Iterator to display PNG figures generated by R. graph_dir : str A directory where R figures are to be searched. The iterator yields the image objects.""" assert format in DEVICES_STATIC_RASTER for imgfile in sorted(glob(os.path.join(graph_dir, f'Rplots*{format}'))): if os.stat(imgfile).st_size >= 1000: img = IPython.display.Image(filename=imgfile) IPython.display.display(img, metadata={}) # TODO: Synchronization in the console (though it's a bandaid, not a # real solution). sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() yield img
[docs] def display_figures_svg(graph_dir, isolate_svgs=True): """Display SVG figures generated by R. graph_dir : str A directory where R figures are to be searched. isolate_svgs : bool Enable SVG namespace isolation in metadata. The iterator yields the image object.""" # as onefile=TRUE, there is only one .svg file imgfile = "%s/Rplot.svg" % graph_dir # Cairo creates an SVG file every time R is called # -- empty ones are not published if os.stat(imgfile).st_size >= 1000: img = IPython.display.SVG(filename=imgfile) IPython.display.display_svg( img, metadata={'image/svg+xml': dict(isolated=True)} if isolate_svgs else {} ) # TODO: Synchronization in the console (though it's a bandaid, not a # real solution). sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() yield img
[docs] @magics_class class RMagics(Magics): """A set of magics useful for interactive work with R via rpy2. """ def __init__(self, shell, converter=converter, cache_display_data=False, device='png'): """ Parameters ---------- shell : IPython shell converter : rpy2 Converter instance to use. If None, the magic's current converter is used. cache_display_data : bool If True, the published results of the final call to R are cached in the variable 'display_cache'. device : ['png', 'jpeg', 'X11', 'svg'] Device to be used for plotting. Currently only 'png', 'jpeg', 'X11' and 'svg' are supported, with 'X11' allowing interactive plots on a locally-running jupyter, and the other allowing to visualize R figure generated on a remote jupyter server/kernel. """ super(RMagics, self).__init__(shell) self.cache_display_data = cache_display_data self.Rstdout_cache = [] self.converter = converter self.set_R_plotting_device(device)
[docs] def set_R_plotting_device(self, device): """ Set which device R should use to produce plots. If device == 'svg' then the package 'Cairo' must be installed. Because Cairo forces "onefile=TRUE", it is not posible to include multiple plots per cell. :param device: ['png', 'jpeg', 'X11', 'svg'] Device to be used for plotting. Currently only 'png', 'jpeg', 'X11' and 'svg' are supported, with 'X11' allowing interactive plots on a locally-running jupyter, and the other allowing to visualize R figure generated on a remote jupyter server/kernel. """ device = device.strip() if device not in DEVICES_SUPPORTED: raise ValueError( f'device must be one of {DEVICES_SUPPORTED}, got "{device}"' ) if device == 'svg': try: self.cairo = rpacks.importr('Cairo') except ri.embedded.RRuntimeError as rre: if rpacks.isinstalled('Cairo'): msg = ('An error occurred when trying to load the ' + 'R package Cairo\'\n%s' % str(rre)) else: msg = textwrap.dedent(""" The R package 'Cairo' is required but it does not appear to be installed/available. Try: import rpy2.robjects.packages as rpacks utils = rpacks.importr('utils') utils.chooseCRANmirror(ind=1) utils.install_packages('Cairo') """) raise RInterpreterError(msg) self.device = device
@line_magic def Rdevice(self, line): """ Change the plotting device R uses to one of {}. """.format(DEVICES_SUPPORTED) self.set_R_plotting_device(line.strip())
[docs] def eval(self, code): """ Parse and evaluate a line of R code with rpy2. Returns the output to R's stdout() connection, the value generated by evaluating the code, and a boolean indicating whether the return value would be visible if the line of code were evaluated in an R REPL. R Code evaluation and visibility determination are done via an R call of the form withVisible(code_string), and this entire expression needs to be evaluated in R (we can't use rpy2 function proxies here, as withVisible is a LISPy R function). """ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: obj_in_module = (rpy2.rinterface_lib .callbacks.obj_in_module) if self.cache_display_data: stack.enter_context( obj_in_module( rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks, 'consolewrite_print', self.write_console_regular ) ) stack.enter_context( obj_in_module(rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks, 'consolewrite_warnerror', self.write_console_regular) ) stack.enter_context( obj_in_module( rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks, '_WRITECONSOLE_EXCEPTION_LOG', '%s') ) try: # Need the newline in case the last line in code is a comment. r_expr = ri.parse(code) value, visible = ri.evalr_expr_with_visible( r_expr ) except (ri.embedded.RRuntimeError, ValueError) as exception: # Otherwise next return seems to have copy of error. warning_or_other_msg = self.flush() raise RInterpreterError(code, str(exception), warning_or_other_msg) finally: ro._print_deferred_warnings() text_output = self.flush() return text_output, value, visible[0]
[docs] def write_console_regular(self, output): """ A hook to capture R's stdout in a cache. """ self.Rstdout_cache.append(output)
[docs] def flush(self): """ Flush R's stdout cache to a string, returning the string. """ value = ''.join(self.Rstdout_cache) self.Rstdout_cache = [] return value
def _import_name_into_r( self, arg: str, env: ri.SexpEnvironment, local_ns: dict ) -> None: lhs, rhs = _parse_input_argument(arg) val = None try: val = _find(rhs, local_ns) except NameError: if is None: warnings.warn( f'The shell is None. Unable to look for {rhs}.' ) else: val = _find(rhs, if val is not None: env[lhs] = val def _find_converter( self, name: str, local_ns: dict ) -> ro.conversion.Converter: converter = None if name is None: converter = self.converter else: try: converter = _find(name, local_ns) except NameError: if is None: warnings.warn( f'The shell is None. Unable to look for converter {name}.' ) else: converter = _find(name, if not isinstance(converter, Converter): raise TypeError("'%s' must be a %s object (but it is a %s)." % (converter, Converter, type(converter))) return converter # @skip_doctest
[docs] @magic_arguments() @argument( '-c', '--converter', default=None, help=textwrap.dedent(""" Name of local converter to use. A converter contains the rules to convert objects back and forth between Python and R. If not specified/None, the defaut converter for the magic\'s module is used (that is rpy2\'s default converter + numpy converter + pandas converter if all three are available).""")) @argument( 'inputs', nargs='*', ) @needs_local_scope @line_magic def Rpush(self, line, local_ns=None): """ A line-level magic that pushes variables from python to R. The line should be made up of whitespace separated variable names in the IPython namespace:: In [7]: import numpy as np In [8]: X = np.array([4.5,6.3,7.9]) In [9]: X.mean() Out[9]: 6.2333333333333343 In [10]: %Rpush X In [11]: %R mean(X) Out[11]: array([ 6.23333333]) """ args = parse_argstring(self.Rpush, line) converter = self._find_converter(args.converter, local_ns) if local_ns is None: local_ns = {} with localconverter(converter): for arg in args.inputs: self._import_name_into_r(arg, ro.globalenv, local_ns)
# @skip_doctest
[docs] @magic_arguments() @argument( 'outputs', nargs='*', ) @line_magic def Rpull(self, line): """ A line-level magic for R that pulls variables from python to rpy2:: In [18]: _ = %R x = c(3,4,6.7); y = c(4,6,7); z = c('a',3,4) In [19]: %Rpull x y z In [20]: x Out[20]: array([ 3. , 4. , 6.7]) In [21]: y Out[21]: array([ 4., 6., 7.]) In [22]: z Out[22]: array(['a', '3', '4'], dtype='|S1') This is useful when a structured array is desired as output, or when the object in R has mixed data types. See the %%R docstring for more examples. Notes ----- Beware that R names can have dots ('.') so this is not fool proof. To avoid this, don't name your R objects with dots... """ args = parse_argstring(self.Rpull, line) outputs = args.outputs with localconverter(self.converter): for output in outputs: robj = ri.globalenv.find(output){output: robj})
# @skip_doctest
[docs] @magic_arguments() @argument( 'output', nargs=1, type=str, ) @line_magic def Rget(self, line): """ Return an object from rpy2, possibly as a structured array (if possible). Similar to Rpull except only one argument is accepted and the value is returned rather than pushed to In [3]: dtype=[('x', '<i4'), ('y', '<f8'), ('z', '|S1')] In [4]: datapy = np.array([(1, 2.9, 'a'), (2, 3.5, 'b'), ... (3, 2.1, 'c'), (4, 5, 'e')], ... dtype=dtype) In [5]: %R -i datapy In [6]: %Rget datapy Out[6]: array([['1', '2', '3', '4'], ['2', '3', '2', '5'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e']], dtype='|S1') """ args = parse_argstring(self.Rget, line) output = args.output # get the R object with the given name, starting from globalenv # in the search path with localconverter(self.converter): res = ro.globalenv.find(output[0]) return res
[docs] def setup_graphics(self, args): """Setup graphics in preparation for evaluating R code. args : argparse bunch (should be whatever the R magic got).""" if getattr(args, 'units') is not None: if args.units != "px" and getattr(args, 'res') is None: args.res = 72 plot_arg_names = ['width', 'height', 'pointsize', 'bg', 'type'] if self.device in DEVICES_STATIC_RASTER: plot_arg_names += ['units', 'res'] argdict = {} for name in plot_arg_names: val = getattr(args, name) if val is not None: argdict[name] = val tmpd = None if self.device in DEVICES_STATIC: # Create a temporary directory for R graphics output # TODO: Do we want to capture file output for other device types # other than svg & png? tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmpd_fix_slashes = tmpd.replace('\\', '/') if self.device in DEVICES_STATIC_RASTER: # Note: that %% is to pass into R for interpolation there. rfunc = getattr(grdevices, self.device) rfunc(f'{tmpd_fix_slashes}/Rplots%%03d.{self.device}', **argdict) elif self.device == 'svg': self.cairo.CairoSVG(f'{tmpd_fix_slashes}/Rplot.svg', **argdict) elif self.device == 'X11': # Open a new X11 device, except if the current one is already an # X11 device. ro.r(""" if (substr(names(dev.cur()), 1, 3) != "X11") { X11() }""") else: # TODO: This isn't actually an R interpreter error... raise RInterpreterError( f'device must be one of {DEVICES_SUPPORTED}') return tmpd
[docs] def publish_graphics(self, graph_dir, isolate_svgs=True): """Wrap graphic file data for presentation in IPython. This method is deprecated. Use `display_figures` or 'display_figures_svg` instead. graph_dir : str Probably provided by some tmpdir call isolate_svgs : bool Enable SVG namespace isolation in metadata""" warnings.warn('Use method fetch_figures.', DeprecationWarning) # read in all the saved image files images = [] display_data = [] # Default empty metadata dictionary. md = {} if self.device == 'png': for imgfile in sorted(glob('%s/Rplots*png' % graph_dir)): if os.stat(imgfile).st_size >= 1000: with open(imgfile, 'rb') as fh_img: images.append( else: # as onefile=TRUE, there is only one .svg file imgfile = "%s/Rplot.svg" % graph_dir # Cairo creates an SVG file every time R is called # -- empty ones are not published if os.stat(imgfile).st_size >= 1000: with open(imgfile, 'rb') as fh_img: images.append( mimetypes = {'png': 'image/png', 'svg': 'image/svg+xml'} mime = mimetypes[self.device] # By default, isolate SVG images in the Notebook to avoid garbling. if images and self.device == "svg" and isolate_svgs: md = {'image/svg+xml': dict(isolated=True)} # Flush text streams before sending figures, helps a little with # output. for image in images: # TODO: Synchronization in the console (though it's a bandaid, not a # real solution). sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() display_data.append(('RMagic.R', {mime: image})) return display_data, md
# @skip_doctest
[docs] @magic_arguments() @argument( '-i', '--input', action='append', help=textwrap.dedent(""" Names of Python objects to be assigned to R objects after using the default converter or one specified through the argument `-c/--converter`. Multiple inputs can be passed separated only by commas with no whitespace. Names of Python objects can be either the name of an object in the current notebook/ipython shell, or a path to a name nested in a namespace visible from the current notebook/ipython shell. For example, '-i myvariable' or '-i mypackage.myothervariable' would both work. Each input can be either the name of Python object, in which case the same name will be used for the R object, or an expression of the form <r-name>=<python-name>.""") ) @argument( '-o', '--output', action='append', help=textwrap.dedent(""" Names of variables to be pushed from rpy2 to `shell.user_ns` after executing cell body (rpy2's internal facilities will apply ri2ro as appropriate). Multiple names can be passed separated only by commas with no whitespace.""") ) @argument( '-n', '--noreturn', help='Force the magic to not return anything.', action='store_true', default=False ) @argument_group("Plot", "Arguments to plotting device") @argument( '-w', '--width', type=float, help='Width of plotting device in R.' ) @argument( '-h', '--height', type=float, help='Height of plotting device in R.' ) @argument( '-p', '--pointsize', type=int, help='Pointsize of plotting device in R.' ) @argument( '-b', '--bg', help='Background of plotting device in R.' ) @argument_group("SVG", "SVG specific arguments") @argument( '--noisolation', help=textwrap.dedent(""" Disable SVG isolation in the Notebook. By default, SVGs are isolated to avoid namespace collisions between figures. Disabling SVG isolation allows to reference previous figures or share CSS rules across a set of SVGs."""), action='store_false', default=True, dest='isolate_svgs' ) @argument_group("PNG", "PNG specific arguments") @argument( '-u', '--units', type=str, choices=["px", "in", "cm", "mm"], help=textwrap.dedent(""" Units of png plotting device sent as an argument to *png* in R. One of ["px", "in", "cm", "mm"].""")) @argument( '-r', '--res', type=int, help=textwrap.dedent(""" Resolution of png plotting device sent as an argument to *png* in R. Defaults to 72 if *units* is one of ["in", "cm", "mm"].""") ) @argument( '--type', type=str, choices=['cairo', 'cairo-png', 'Xlib', 'quartz'], help=textwrap.dedent(""" Type device used to generate the figure. """)) @argument( '-c', '--converter', default=None, help=textwrap.dedent(""" Name of local converter to use. A converter contains the rules to convert objects back and forth between Python and R. If not specified/None, the defaut converter for the magic\'s module is used (that is rpy2\'s default converter + numpy converter + pandas converter if all three are available).""")) @argument( '-d', '--display', default=None, help=textwrap.dedent(""" Name of function to use to display the output of an R cell (the last object or function call that does not have a left-hand side assignment). That function will have the signature `(robject, args)` where `robject` is the R objects that is an output of the cell, and `args` a namespace with all parameters passed to the cell. """)) @argument( 'code', nargs='*', ) @needs_local_scope @line_cell_magic @no_var_expand def R(self, line, cell=None, local_ns=None): """ Execute code in R, optionally returning results to the Python runtime. In line mode, this will evaluate an expression and convert the returned value to a Python object. The return value is determined by rpy2's behaviour of returning the result of evaluating the final expression. Multiple R expressions can be executed by joining them with semicolons:: In [9]: %R X=c(1,4,5,7); sd(X); mean(X) Out[9]: array([ 4.25]) In cell mode, this will run a block of R code. The resulting value is printed if it would be printed when evaluating the same code within a standard R REPL. Nothing is returned to python by default in cell mode:: In [10]: %%R ....: Y = c(2,4,3,9) ....: summary(lm(Y~X)) Call: lm(formula = Y ~ X) Residuals: 1 2 3 4 0.88 -0.24 -2.28 1.64 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.0800 2.3000 0.035 0.975 X 1.0400 0.4822 2.157 0.164 Residual standard error: 2.088 on 2 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.6993,Adjusted R-squared: 0.549 F-statistic: 4.651 on 1 and 2 DF, p-value: 0.1638 In the notebook, plots are published as the output of the cell:: %R plot(X, Y) will create a scatter plot of X bs Y. If cell is not None and line has some R code, it is prepended to the R code in cell. Objects can be passed back and forth between rpy2 and python via the -i -o flags in line:: In [14]: Z = np.array([1,4,5,10]) In [15]: %R -i Z mean(Z) Out[15]: array([ 5.]) In [16]: %R -o W W=Z*mean(Z) Out[16]: array([ 5., 20., 25., 50.]) In [17]: W Out[17]: array([ 5., 20., 25., 50.]) The return value is determined by these rules: * If the cell is not None (i.e., has contents), the magic returns None. * If the final line results in a NULL value when evaluated by rpy2, then None is returned. * No attempt is made to convert the final value to a structured array. Use %Rget to push a structured array. * If the -n flag is present, there is no return value. * A trailing ';' will also result in no return value as the last value in the line is an empty string. """ args = parse_argstring(self.R, line) # arguments 'code' in line are prepended to # the cell lines if cell is None: code = '' return_output = True line_mode = True else: code = cell return_output = False line_mode = False code = ' '.join(args.code) + code # if there is no local namespace then default to an empty dict if local_ns is None: local_ns = {} converter = self._find_converter(args.converter, local_ns) if args.input: with localconverter(converter) as cv: for arg in ','.join(args.input).split(','): self._import_name_into_r(arg, ro.globalenv, local_ns) if args.display: try: cell_display = local_ns[args.display] except KeyError: try: cell_display =[args.display] except KeyError: raise NameError("name '%s' is not defined" % args.display) else: cell_display = CELL_DISPLAY_DEFAULT tmpd = self.setup_graphics(args) text_output = '' display_data = [] try: if line_mode: for line in code.split(';'): text_result, result, visible = self.eval(line) text_output += text_result if text_result: # The last line printed something to the console so # we won't return it. return_output = False else: text_result, result, visible = self.eval(code) text_output += text_result if visible: with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: obj_in_module = (rpy2.rinterface_lib .callbacks .obj_in_module) if self.cache_display_data: stack.enter_context( obj_in_module(rpy2.rinterface_lib .callbacks, 'consolewrite_print', self.write_console_regular) ) stack.enter_context( obj_in_module( rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks, 'consolewrite_warnerror', self.write_console_regular ) ) stack.enter_context( obj_in_module( rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks, '_WRITECONSOLE_EXCEPTION_LOG', '%s') ) cell_display(result, args) text_output += self.flush() except RInterpreterError as e: # TODO: Maybe we should make this red or something? print(e.stdout) if not e.stdout.endswith(e.err): print(e.err) raise e finally: if self.device in DEVICES_STATIC: ro.r('') if text_output: # display_data.append(('RMagic.R', {'text/plain':text_output})) displaypub.publish_display_data( source='RMagic.R', data={'text/plain': text_output}) # publish figures generated by R. if self.device in DEVICES_STATIC_RASTER: for _ in display_figures(tmpd, format=self.device): if self.cache_display_data: display_data.append(_) elif self.device == 'svg': for _ in display_figures_svg(tmpd): if self.cache_display_data: display_data.append(_) # kill the temporary directory - currently created only for "svg" # and ("png"|"jpeg") (else it's None). if tmpd: rmtree(tmpd) if args.output: with localconverter(converter) as cv: for output in ','.join(args.output).split(','): output_ipy = ro.globalenv.find(output){output: output_ipy}) # this will keep a reference to the display_data # which might be useful to other objects who happen to use # this method if self.cache_display_data: self.display_cache = display_data # We're in line mode and return_output is still True, # so return the converted result if return_output and not args.noreturn: if result is not ri.NULL: with localconverter(converter) as cv: res = cv.rpy2py(result) return res
__doc__ = __doc__.format( R_DOC='{0}{1}'.format(' '*8, RMagics.R.__doc__), RPUSH_DOC='{0}{1}'.format(' '*8, RMagics.Rpush.__doc__), RPULL_DOC='{0}{1}'.format(' '*8, RMagics.Rpull.__doc__), RGET_DOC='{0}{1}'.format(' '*8, RMagics.Rget.__doc__) )
[docs] def load_ipython_extension(ip): """Load the extension in IPython.""" ip.register_magics(RMagics)