Source code for rpy2.robjects.lib.grid

Mapping of the R library "grid" for graphics.

The R library provides a low-level coordinate
system and graphic primitives to built visualizations.


import warnings
import rpy2.rinterface as rinterface
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
import rpy2.robjects.conversion as conversion
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr, WeakPackage

NULL = robjects.NULL

grid = importr('grid')

grid = WeakPackage(grid._env,

original_converter = None
converter = conversion.Converter('original grid conversion')
py2rpy = converter.py2rpy
rpy2py = converter.rpy2py

grid_env = robjects.baseenv['as.environment']('package:grid')

layout = grid.grid_layout
newpage = grid.grid_newpage
grill = grid.grid_grill
edit = grid.grid_edit
get = grid.grid_get
remove = grid.grid_remove
add = grid.grid_add
xaxis = grid.grid_xaxis
yaxis = grid.grid_yaxis

class BaseGrid(robjects.RObject):

    def r(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor (as it looks like on the R side)."""
        res = cls._r_constructor(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls(res)

class Unit(BaseGrid):
    """ Vector of unit values (as in R's grid package) """
    _r_constructor = grid_env['unit']

unit = Unit.r

class Gpar(BaseGrid):
    """ Graphical parameters """
    _r_constructor = grid_env['gpar']
    _get_gpar = grid_env['get.gpar']

    def get(self, names=None):
        return self._get_gpar(names)

gpar = Gpar.r

[docs] class Grob(BaseGrid): """ Graphical object """ _r_constructor = grid_env['grob'] _draw = grid_env['grid.draw']
[docs] def draw(self, recording=True): """ Draw a graphical object (calling the R function grid::grid.raw())""" self._draw(self, recording=recording)
grob = Grob.r class Rect(Grob): _r_constructor = grid_env['rectGrob'] rect = Rect.r class Lines(Grob): _r_constructor = grid_env['linesGrob'] lines = Lines.r class Circle(Grob): _r_constructor = grid_env['circleGrob'] circle = Circle.r class Points(Grob): _r_constructor = grid_env['pointsGrob'] points = Points.r class Text(Grob): _r_constructor = grid_env['textGrob'] text = Text.r
[docs] class GTree(Grob): """ gTree """ _gtree = grid_env['gTree'] _grobtree = grid_env['grobTree']
[docs] @classmethod def gtree(cls, **kwargs): """ Constructor (uses the R function grid::gTree())""" res = cls._gtree(**kwargs) return cls(res)
[docs] @classmethod def grobtree(cls, **kwargs): """ Constructor (uses the R function grid::grobTree())""" res = cls._grobtree(**kwargs) return cls(res)
class Axis(GTree): pass class XAxis(Axis): _xaxis = xaxis _xaxisgrob = grid.xaxisGrob @classmethod def xaxis(cls, **kwargs): """ Constructor (uses the R function grid::xaxis())""" res = cls._xaxis(**kwargs) return cls(res) @classmethod def xaxisgrob(cls, **kwargs): """ Constructor (uses the R function grid::xaxisgrob())""" res = cls._xaxisgrob(**kwargs) return cls(res) class YAxis(Axis): _yaxis = yaxis _yaxisgrob = grid.yaxisGrob @classmethod def yaxis(cls, **kwargs): """ Constructor (uses the R function grid::yaxis())""" res = cls._yaxis(**kwargs) return cls(res) @classmethod def yaxisgrob(cls, **kwargs): """ Constructor (uses the R function grid::yaxisgrob())""" res = cls._yaxisgrob(**kwargs) return cls(res)
[docs] class Viewport(robjects.RObject): """ Drawing context. Viewports can be thought of as nodes in a scene graph. """ _pushviewport = grid_env['pushViewport'] _popviewport = grid_env['popViewport'] _current = grid_env['current.viewport'] _plotviewport = grid_env['plotViewport'] _downviewport = grid_env['downViewport'] _seek = grid_env['seekViewport'] _upviewport = grid_env['upViewport'] _viewport = grid_env['viewport']
[docs] def push(self, recording=True): self._pushviewport(self, recording=recording)
[docs] @classmethod def pop(cls, n): """ Pop n viewports from the stack. """ cls._popviewport(n)
[docs] @classmethod def current(cls): """ Return the current viewport in the stack. """ cls._current()
[docs] @classmethod def default(cls, **kwargs): cls._plotviewport(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def down(cls, name, strict=False, recording=True): """ Return the number of Viewports it went down """ cls._downviewport(name, strict=strict, recording=recording)
[docs] @classmethod def seek(cls, name, recording=True): """ Seek and return a Viewport given its name """ cls._seek(name, recording=recording)
[docs] @classmethod def up(cls, n, recording=True): """ Go up n viewports """ cls._downviewport(n, recording=recording)
[docs] @classmethod def viewport(cls, **kwargs): """ Constructor: create a Viewport """ res = cls._viewport(**kwargs) res = cls(res) return res
viewport = Viewport.viewport _grid_dict = { 'gpar': Gpar, 'grob': Grob, 'gTree': GTree, 'unit': Unit, 'xaxis': XAxis, 'yaxis': YAxis, 'viewport': Viewport } original_py2rpy = None original_rpy2py = None # TODO: remove after v3.5.0 def grid_rpy2py(robj): warnings.warn('This function is deprecated.', category=DeprecationWarning) pyobj = original_rpy2py(robj) if not isinstance(pyobj, robjects.RS4): rcls = pyobj.rclass if rcls is NULL: rcls = (None, ) try: cls = _grid_dict[rcls[0]] pyobj = cls(pyobj) except KeyError: pass return pyobj converter._rpy2py_nc_map.update( { rinterface.FloatSexpVector: conversion.NameClassMap( lambda obj: robjects.default_converter.rpy2py(obj), {'unit': Unit.r} ), rinterface.ListSexpVector: conversion.NameClassMap( lambda obj: robjects.default_converter.rpy2py(obj), {'gpar': Gpar.r, 'grob': Grob.r} ), } ) def activate(): warnings.warn('The global conversion available with activate() ' 'is deprecated and will be removed in the next ' 'major release. Use a local converter.', category=DeprecationWarning) global original_converter # If module is already activated, there is nothing to do. if original_converter is not None: return original_converter = conversion.converter new_converter = conversion.Converter('grid conversion', template=original_converter) for k, v in py2rpy.registry.items(): if k is object: continue new_converter.py2rpy.register(k, v) for k, v in rpy2py.registry.items(): if k is object: continue new_converter.rpy2py.register(k, v) conversion.set_conversion(new_converter) def deactivate(): global original_converter # If module has never been activated or already deactivated, # there is nothing to do if original_converter is None: return conversion.set_conversion(original_converter) original_converter = None